Thursday, 16 September 2010

Film Title Research

In order to prepare myself for creating my own horror movie film title, i set out to explore the uses of typography, font, colours and graphics in other film titles and analyse the reccuring themes and conventions. I was also looking for relations between the appearence of these titles and their genres.
Before I look at the graphics I will analyse the title of the film to gain an understanding of word choice and phrasing in relation to genre and audience.

The word monster sudggests that the film is directed at a young audience, as monsters are commonly associated with irrational childhood fears of fantastical creatures and comical characters. It is clear that this film is meant to be in the childens horror genre because of its use of the word monster.
The appearance of the title backs up my previous speculations as it is clearly a childrens horror film due to it's use of crooked, disproportionate letters to give it a creepy feel. However it is still quite clean and smooth giving the film a child-friendly appearance.

The title of this film suggests an action packed, fantastical movie, due to its use of exaggeration and fantasy. The "vs" suddgests that the character faces alot of challenges in the film and that it contains alot of conflict.
From the appearence of the title, I can verify what I got from the title. The film looks energetic with a rocky feel, due to the electric/lightening bolt text. The fact that "Scott Pilgrim" is in large letters suddgests that he is the key feature of the film.

Due to the obvious pun in the title of this movie, it is clear that this a comedy film, and due to the pun on the theme of vampires, it suddgests that this is a parrody on the recently common vampire genre.
looking at the title, it is clear that this is a comedy film aimed at a young audience. The use of the spray paint over the original title: Vampires Rule, puts across an idea of anarchy, and makes the film seem rebelious for not obeying the common opinion of the film going public.

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