Tuesday 4 January 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

I think that it is clear we have created an good pubicity campaign which is accessible to a global audience.
We have used the main antagonist as a selling point which I believe makes our publicity campaign effective. We would of aimed to release our poster first as this will then generate an audience for our film. This poster will also promote word of mouth and create a buzz around our campaign. This is a tried and tested technique which had been used in the batman film campaign where they released the bat symbol first. http://www2.warnerbros.com/batmanbegins/index.html- Batman Begins website.
After establishing an audience we will then devote a section of a popular horror magazine which will have exclusive articles about our film and release dates. The cover design will hopefully draw people in. As we are promoting our product through a range of different media platforms, this is an example of synergy.
We will then release a teaser trailer which will give the audience a clearer picture of what the movie is about, plotline, characters etc. We will release it on Tv channels like e4, bbc 3, channel 4, as they are channels popular with the teen demographic. We will also air it before films such as the Roommate (http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/theroommate/) and other teen based horror films. We will post it onto Facebook and create various pages on social networking sites, which will create a viral campaign

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