Wednesday 5 January 2011

Planning Process

In order to prepare us for shooting our trailer, we created an shooting schedual to make the filming process as smooth and problem free as possible. We created a shooting schedual, this let us know when, where and who we were filming. This not only helped us organize ourselves, it also gave the actors a sense or organization and it made them feel more confident about the professionalism of our project. the shooting schedual also let us know what time we would be filming and what props we would need.
We also created an action plan which let us know who was doing what in our group, in reference to the posts we needed to have on our blogs in order to complete the research and planning section of our blogs.

Blood shed high

Their was a technical problem with uploading the video for this excersise, and as a result the video failed to upload and the original video was deleted.

This was a 3 day excersise where we created a storyboard for a trailer of a film and pitched it to the rest of the class. We were all given the title "Bloodshed High" and told to work around that. In my group we created a trailer for a film about a school where the teachers were infected.

I learnt from this that a trailer cannot simply be everything that happens in the film as it cannot give away the whole plot of the film.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Audience Feedback

We had some technical problems when filming with the i phone, due to a lack of indication what way up the phone was,and as a result some of the footage was upside down.

The general consesnsus from the people we interviewed was that they both looked quite professional. The use of colours was praised and they said it made it clear what genre the film was. They also noted the use of a seemingly harmless title to give the film a sinister feel. they aplauded the monkey mask and they thought that it was very unique and it was clear that the film had a childs theme.
However not all the feedback was possitive, they critisized the products for being too dark and not standing out enough, and that if they saw them at the back of the shop they would not be drawn to them.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

I think that it is clear we have created an good pubicity campaign which is accessible to a global audience.
We have used the main antagonist as a selling point which I believe makes our publicity campaign effective. We would of aimed to release our poster first as this will then generate an audience for our film. This poster will also promote word of mouth and create a buzz around our campaign. This is a tried and tested technique which had been used in the batman film campaign where they released the bat symbol first. Batman Begins website.
After establishing an audience we will then devote a section of a popular horror magazine which will have exclusive articles about our film and release dates. The cover design will hopefully draw people in. As we are promoting our product through a range of different media platforms, this is an example of synergy.
We will then release a teaser trailer which will give the audience a clearer picture of what the movie is about, plotline, characters etc. We will release it on Tv channels like e4, bbc 3, channel 4, as they are channels popular with the teen demographic. We will also air it before films such as the Roommate ( and other teen based horror films. We will post it onto Facebook and create various pages on social networking sites, which will create a viral campaign