Friday 12 November 2010


Good Intentions Trailer Script

Sara Jennings (non diegetic monologue): “I never did like camping… especially without mum and dad… “

Mary Jennings: “Bye honey”

Bernard Jennings: “Be safe”

Sara Jennings (non diegetic monologue): “But I never thought it would turn out like this…”

Darren: “Aright lads it’s getting dark, lets set up here and get this party started!”

Darren and friends: various, unspecific banter

Patricia Rigby: “What was that?”

Simon Jones: “Where’s Sara?”

Darren Jennings: “Have you seen a little girl?”

William Fyles: “No”

Sara Jennings: Heavy breathing

Monday 8 November 2010



The Forgotten Life
This is in reference to how the antagonist has been forgotten from society, and is detached in this way, the bad side of this is it doesn't reference the main protagonist.

Father Death
This tackles the idea that the antagonist, William Fyles sees his relationship with Sarah as a father daughter dynamic but it is twisted by the death filled past.

Barbed Wife
This is in reference to the antagonists shady relationship with x wife. The problem is that the story doesn't revolve around this action.

This is referencing both the innocence of the main girl and the innocence of the killer, who believes himself to be doing a just thing by capturing the girl.

Good Intentions
This is referencing how William Fyles, the antagonist sees his actions, but in reality there are morbid and disgusting.

This title

Research Location Settings

Dan Rodriguez Revves
The location of horror films plays an integrel role in the generation of the atmosphere which is so definfing of a horror movie, due to the fact that our eventual horror trailer will have four diferent locations I will now research the salient conventions of the locations in contemporary horror movies.

The Locations of horror movies are almost always foreign (just to make it clear, i do not mean that the location is in another country, though this can happen, I mainly am talking about a place in which the protoganist are not accustomed to) to the protagonists, this is done due to that facts that it creates an atmosphere in which anything could happen, so the audience will always be on edge as to what is about to happen. Though protagonistsare always foreigners in the location, there are always local inhabitants, these are often the antagonists, but not always. A good example of this foreign location plus local inhabitants dynamic is the 2003 version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in which a group of travellers stop in a deserted Texan town in which the local inhabitants are acomplaces in the killing of the foreigners.

The location as ussualy devoid of alot of humans and is thus devoid of humanity therefore creating a sense that the conventional norms of society do not apply, this again creates an tense artmosphere were alot could go wrong. Added to this lack of society in the location theres is no emergency services, this

Dark History

Often Night Time

Choice of Weapons

We have decided to go with a knife and a pick-axe for our antagonists weapon. we chose this because we believe that these are functional, household objects, which on their own pose minimal threat and do not provoke any fear or terror, but in the hands of our antagonist their connotations change completely and they become weapons.

Horror Iconography and Ideology

Various visual and written codes have been used in the posters above. Colours and Tones linked to the horror genre have been used, such as blood reds and dull tones of grey, and the use of text that corresponds with the sub genre for example,in the poster for the show

2.What information do they provide about the films?
They give the title, the actors, the director, the opening dates and the credits.

3.What other information might you have expected but is missing?
some do not display the main actors or the directors and some do not show the release date.

4.In what ways do these posters create a sense of enigma?.
They are all quite secretive when it comes to the identity of the antagonist and their identity is hidden in all the posters either by use of a mask or positioning with his back to us.

5.How are the film producers trying to create a sense of danger and equilibrium?
Their are a few examples of different methods of creating a sense of danger in the posters, one way is to show the victim and the pain they're experiencing, another way is to make it seem like you are in a position of danger when looking at the poster, by showing the antagonist coming at you.

6.What genre do these films belong to?
The horror genre, though some belong to sub genres like slasher horror and teen.

7.What are the generic conventions that are at work in these posters?
blood, weapons, death, fear, threat and violence

8.What differing representations of 'the other' or the 'monster' do they present?
to create a sence of enigma, they atempt to cover his/her identity, but they are always represented as threatening an dangerous.

Friday 5 November 2010

Focus Group Questions

To gain a better understanding of our target audiences' needs and wants when it comes to horror movies and their promotional trailers, we decided to put together a questionnaire. This questionnaire would consist of several questions that will draw the necessary information out of the respondents that we need to produce a film trailer that meets the needs of our target audience.

Focus Group Questions

1. What is the best Horror film you've seen in the past 2 years?
2. What is your favorite sub-genre of Horror film?
3. What, in your opinion, makes a good horror movie trailer?
4. What is most important in a trailer, action or an insight into the narrative?
5. What aspects of a horror movie trailer attract you most?

Wednesday 3 November 2010


To move on from the research and planning stage of our trailer, we started by defining the different characters in our film and finding the necessary actors to play these roles.

Sarah Jennings Played by Daisy Holland - Young innocent girl, Protagonist, last girl, wanderer

Darren Jennings - Brother, Distant from family and sister, Archetypal stoner, party goer character, little compassion for the sister

Thomas Micheals - Friend of darren, similar in character

Simon Jones - Friend of darren, similar in character

Patricia Rigby - Typical Tom Boy Character, slightly more compassionate than the boys.

Bernard Jennings played by David Dalziel- Father of Darren and Sarah, Very nice to daughter, Feels antipathy for son due to his lifestyle.

Mary Jennings Carren Dalziel - Mother of Darren and Sarah, Typical mother, Worried about camping trip, Maternal.

William Fyles - Antagonist of the film, wears a mask, Has turbelant past, Mentally Ill, is a killer.

Brainstorm of Horror Genre Prezi