Wednesday 13 October 2010

Film Trailer Analysis

In order to gain an understanding of the common conventions of a film trailer, and how various methods and techniches are used to promote the film, I analysed an existing trailer.

Paranormal Activity 2

I chose to do my film trailer analysis on the film trailer for Paranormel Activity 2. There are several common conventions of horror movie trailers that are used in this trailer.
       The use of editing techniques such as quick cuts between shots to create an exciting atomosphere in the advert is often used. Some visual images only stay on the screen long enough for you to realise what we are seeing until it quickly cuts to the next shot.
       Another convention used, is the editing of the shots so that we are not shown the story in narrative order, for example, we are shown two disturbing shots of people flying at cameras and a possesed woman, then we are shown scenes of relaxed family environments, then we are shown more disturbing images, creating a disjointed narative.
      One line conversations are also used to tell the storry but keep the trailer flowing and not slow it down with unnessasary extended dialouge.

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